Quotes About Moving On 0149

Quotes About Moving On 0149

“It's not worth our while to let our imperfections disturb us always.” 
Henry David Thoreau

“We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world” 
Helen Keller

“Love, being in love, isn’t a constant thing. It doesn’t always flow at the same strength. It’s not always like a river in flood. It’s more like the sea. It has tides, it ebbs and flows. The thing is, when love is real, whether it’s ebbing or flowing, it’s always there, it never goes away. And that’s the only proof you can have that it is real, and not just a crush or an infatuation or a passing fancy” 
Aidan Chambers, This is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn

Below are some Quotes About Moving On, hopefully it can be your inspiration.

Quotes About Moving On 0149 1

Quotes About Moving On 0149 2

Quotes About Moving On 0149 3

Quotes About Moving On 0149 4

Quotes About Moving On 0149 5

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